As the SEC struggles to enforce new corporate climate disclosures, the high court grants companies even more wiggle room
Companies with $15.5tr in combined assets call on governments to deliver ambitious new treaty to tackle pollution across the entire plastic value chain
DESNZ launches consultation on new rules designed to boost reliability of smart appliances and ensure interoperability of smart heat pumps, EV chargers, and other technologies
Monty Don backs Wildlife Trusts campaign calling on Ministers to end 'eco-vandalism' and back Private members Bill banning use of peat-based horticultural composts
Legal action over Michael Gove's decision to curtail more ambitious energy efficiency standards from local authorities set to proceed to High Court
Actor Steve Coogan joins campaign calling for urgent action to tackle pollution in England's largest lake
Judge orders Judicial Review of National Adaptation Programme following latest legal action targeting the government’s climate policies
Rapidly growing divergence on key environmental regulations presents challenges for businesses, think tank warns
Influential taskforce launches 'globally applicable' set of resources to help firms build put net zero transition plans and access green finance
Money raised from fines for pollution breaches is to be reinvested in new Water Restoration Fund