Residents of Tees Valley and County Durham back improved climate and nature education, ring-fenced carbon taxes, ‘green bonds’ and higher spending to hit net zero in first of four citizens' climate panels convened by IPPR
Airlines, manufacturers, air traffic controllers, and airports claim that reducing net CO2 emissions to zero by 2050 from flights within and departing from the European Economic Area, Britain, and Switzerland is possible
BusinessGreen catches up with EN+ Group chairman and former energy and climate change minister, Lord Barker of Battle to discuss how the metals giant intends to slash its emissions by 35 per cent by 2030
VIDEO: Head of sustainability at the 'invisible backbone' of the global supply chain sits down with BusinessGreen's James Murray to explain how the firm is helping its customers to drive net zero right across the value chain
UN High Level Climate Action Champions Gonzalo Muñoz and Nigel Topping explain why they are challenging major firms in high carbon industries to commit to net zero ahead of COP26
Swiss firm bolsters its science-based targets with plans to become carbon neutral, and then carbon positive by 2030
UN agency publishes roadmap for businesses looking to become 'nature-positive', expanding growing library of resources available to businesses gearing up for radical transformation
VIDEO: Head of corporate sustainability non-profit speaks to BusinessGreen about the risks and opportunities of the crucial decade ahead for the green economy
Residents in Barcombe, East Sussex hope to develop a precedent for ‘greener’ home heating that can be emulated by other rural communities
Initiative launched by a clutch of sustainable business NGOs aims to galvanise global climate action by nurturing and supporting net zero collaboration across world's most carbon-intensive sectors, including steel, chemicals, shipping