Scottish Government unveils plans to ensure all new homes and properties are fitted with low carbon alternatives to gas boilers
Number of single-use plastic bags supplied by supermarkets has fallen 97 per cent since the 2015 introduction of the plastic bag charge tax
Net Zero Technology Centre backs SMART-DAC technology from CO2CirculAir that is set to be trialled in Northern Ireland
Latest annual Energy Barometer survey by Energy Institute ranks energy efficiency as priority response to energy crisis
FT reports controversial proposals are now unlikely to proceed, as Tory leadership candidates tout tax-cutting plans
Office for Budget Responsibility estimates sustained high fossil fuel prices could make the comparative costs of net zero over a third cheaper
InfluenceMap research claims British Airways owner and Ryanair lobbied UK government against a frequent flyer levy
Higher carbon prices are good news for green investment as well as the climate, writes Climate Focus' Darragh Conway
New paper from Energy UK warns extending windfall tax to cover power generators would seriously undermine net zero transition and push up energy bills in the long term
Chancellor's decision to incentivise domestic oil and gas extraction is 'opposite of what's needed if we want to end our reliance on expensive gas', E3G warns