World Economic Forum and PwC report sets out host of energy efficiency actions it claims are 'doable today, at attractive returns with no need for new technology'
Power generated by the movement of seas and oceans could yield billions of pounds in economic benefits and add 11.5GW to energy system, ORE Catapult claims
New research suggests councils lack the resources to properly enforce landlord energy efficiency rules for private rental properties
As more countries and states legalise cannabis, strides must be made to reduce the sector's significant environmental impacts, writes AlphaRoot's Barry Galvin
Some of the UK's leading boilermakers claim they have been forced to increase prices to cover rising green policy costs, but energy experts have accused them of price gouging and deception - where does the truth lie
Government unveils funding boost for energy efficiency and heat pump programmes, as Treasury confirms plans for new carbon border levy
The Energy Performance Certificates regime should be reformed to align with efforts to meet net zero goals, a new study from the Energy Systems Catapult has argued
Government consultation acknowledges there is 'no practical way' for new homes to contain fossil fuel or hydrogen boilers and deliver 'significant' carbon savings
Energy firm and housebuilder to develop 89 homes in Newport, Essex, where residents will pay no energy bills for a minimum of five years
OVO's Power Move and Power Move Plus users collectively earned £463,000 last month via demand flexibility events and the use of greener off peak power