The UK's next PM must work closely with local councils to deliver a long-term energy efficiency plan that can reduce soaring household energy bills, argues Chris Skidmore MP
Greater Manchester Combined Authority and Green Finance Institute to pilot financial schemes that could fund energy-saving retrofits across the city
Building upgrades at schools and hospitals promise to slash energy bills by up to £650m a year, as government looks to tackle soaring energy costs
Government debuts new online service designed to offer tailored, impartial advice on how to save energy, but launch comes amidst reports plans to boost efficiency funding have stalled
As the price of energy skyrockets, it is time for Britain's political leaders to finally take action to eliminate fuel poverty, writes British Energy Efficiency Federation's Andrew Warren
Enhanced discounts set to be offered by lender to homes built to high energy efficiency standards
EXCLUSIVE: UK100 network of local authorities releases results of survey, alongside series of progress reports analysing central government's progress on decarbonisation
Net Zero Technology Centre backs SMART-DAC technology from CO2CirculAir that is set to be trialled in Northern Ireland
Latest annual Energy Barometer survey by Energy Institute ranks energy efficiency as priority response to energy crisis
New Greenpeace report argues urgent government action is needed to reduce levels of plastic waste