Google and Microsoft among investors to back FlexiDAO as it seets to roll out its clean power software platform globally
The Open Supply Hub is to provide information on every facility in a business's supply chain, in a bid to help tackle carbon emissions and child labour
New report from TechUK argues partnerships between councils and tech provides can help tackle issues such as climate change and the cost of living
Launch follows announcement that carbon neutral search engine has planted 100 million trees in three years
Selected organisations will receive $5m each in grant funding, as well as support from the tech giant's software products
Not-for-profit search engine has used advertising income to fund the planting of 150 million trees
Octopus Energy reveals plans to extend software platform that underpins its smart tech vision into water and broadband sectors
Latest $200m funding round secures unicorn status for U
New online training course to help all employees support retail giant's net zero goals
Industry Voice: Better data can help cities play a leading role in combatting the climate crisis, writes ClimateView CPO and founder Tomer Shalit