New report reveals UK leading market in Europe for cultivated meat investment, prompting calls for government to deliver promised backing
A 'serious breakthrough' has allowed Octopus Energy to offer customers heat pumps at a similar price to gas boilers, it claims
The government have selected 37 innovative green technology companies to receive funding from this year's Energy Entrepreneur Fund
The e-commerce giant is inviting early-stage sustainability start-ups to apply for the latest round of its accelerator programme
New government funding aims to help deliver zero-emission vessels in UK waters by 2025
Planned automated bus service in Edinburgh one of the beneficiaries of £81m of government and industry investment in new self-driving technologies
UK scientists produce and taste 'world's first' 100 per cent lab-grown steak
Analysts estimate European Marine Energy Centre's proposed test site could offer substantial economic benefits and help wind developers test new technologies
Asphalt made from grass cuttings and carbon capturing cement among the innovations to secure backing from the Decarbonising Local Roads competition
ZeroAvia boss hails achievement as proof that 'true zero emission commercial flight is only years away'