Analysis shows the world's biggest shipping firms are raking in multi-billion dollar profits - and driving up carbon emissions - while paying a fraction of the taxes other industries face
Government plots course towards carbon free shipping, as it confirms plans to bring sector into UK carbon market
ORE Catapult, National Shipbuilding Office, and Crown Estate appoint APCL Cammell Laird to gauge depth of opportunity for historic shipbuilders in offshore wind industries
Ben Medland, founder and CEO at Drift Energy, explains the company's vision for energy harvesting at sea, and why the firm's vessels aren't a 'moonshot'
Fortescue Green Pioneer visits Canary Wharf, as vessel highlights emissions-cutting potential of ammonia made from green hydrogen
By not charging for greenhouse gas emissions, the UK government is handing over nearly £5m of taxpayer money to the shipping sector every day, writes Transport & Environment's UK director Anna Krajinska
Brazil has an opportunity to set the stage for success at COP30 by helping deliver a shipping levy at IMO talks in London this spring, writes Simon Kofe, Tuvalu's Minister for Transport, Energy, Communication, and Innovation
Rules being drawn up by the International Maritime Organisation could see almost a third of global shipping running on biofuels in 2030, with negative implications for land use, deforestation and climate change, warns T&E
Cargo owners register more than 100,000 container units within first two months of DP World trial
New study warns $400bn of investment could be at risk, as it urges shipping investors to prepare for the net zero transition or face the 'premature scrapping' of over a third of the global fleet