Latest monthly stats for flagship heat pump grant scheme published, as trial for hydrogen heating systems delayed in Scotland
Property giant sets sights on more than halving its value chain emissions by 2030 in line with 1.5C global warming pathway
eEnergy Group hired by private healthcare provider to install on-site solar panels at its hospitals across England, Wales and Scotland
New 'green' prison to feature heat pumps, solar panels, and energy efficiency lighting that promise to slash publis sector energy bills
New research reveals the adoption of hybrid working practices has 'significantly' reduced corporate energy consumption
Legal action over Michael Gove's decision to curtail more ambitious energy efficiency standards from local authorities set to proceed to High Court
Energy from waste carbon capture project could capture up to 235,000 tonnes of carbon a year
Firm signs contract with Platform Housing to install energy efficiency measures, air source heat pumps and solar panels to cut carbon emissions from residential stock
From today, legal requirements to deliver a 10 per cent Biodiversity Net Gain on housing, industrial, and commercial projects now cover small-scale developments
Installing heat pumps without proper regard for fabric improvement will lead to problems in the future, writes BEEF's Andrew Warren