As demand for fossil-fuel free heating grows, policymakers and industry need to work together to prep the installation workforce for a major roll out of electric heat pumps, writes Panasonic's Enrique Vilamitjana
Industry Voice: The buildings in which we live and the energy they consume play a fundamental role in the process of decarbonisation, according to Schroders
Enhanced discounts set to be offered by lender to homes built to high energy efficiency standards
Concrete is a major carbon emitter, but a group of leading construction firms, developers, and manufacturers are hoping to spur demand for greener solutions - both in the near- and long-term
EXCLUSIVE: UK100 network of local authorities releases results of survey, alongside series of progress reports analysing central government's progress on decarbonisation
The built environment sector must work together to measure, monitor and reduce the climate impacts of concrete, writes Climate Group's Jen Carson
News comes as SeAH Wind celebrates start of work on £400m offshore wind wind factory in the region
A new report by Cornwall Insight shows how soaring wholesale gas costs mean generating energy on-site is a more attractive proposition than ever for many firms
New action group HGVzero will see leaders in logistics co-develop solutions to help accelerate adoption of sero emission HGVs
Company says two BECCS units could permanently remove at least eight million tonnes of CO2 each year from the atmosphere