Catch up on all the latest news, top speakers and in-depth discussion from day two of BusinessGreen's Net Zero Festival
BusinessGreen brings you coverage of the first day of the Net Zero Festival 2022, which is finally being held in person for the first time, featuring top business leaders, influential policymakers, inspirational thinkers, comedians and artists to discuss the myriad opportunities and challenges presented by the transition to a zero carbon economy over the next the decades.
Much has happened since the landmark COP26 Climate Summit in Glasgow last year, with the world still contending with the Covid-19 pandemic on top of soaring energy prices, food supply shortages and geopolitical tensions, most notably Russia's war in Ukraine. But the necessity and urgency of slashing emissions and building a greener, fairer economy and society has not gone away, and with COP27 in Egypt and the COP15 UN Biodiversity Summit both coming up this autumn, the Net Zero Festival will offer invaluable guidance on how firms and organisations can turbocharge their decarbonisation efforts and get ahead of major economic and technological trends being catalysed by the net zero transition.
For coverage of the action-packed programme, BusinessGreen's liveblog below will be providing updates throughout the first day of the Net Zero Festival, which boasts a line-up including chair of the UK government's Net Zero Review Chris Skidmore MP, Futerra co-founder Solitaire Townsend, CBI chief economist Rain Newton-Smith, lawyer and activist Farhana Yamin, Green Alliance executive director Shaun Spiers, Unilever's global head of sustainability Thomas Liungard, and many more.
With thanks to Net Zero Festival partners Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Schroders, Bryt Energy, Carbon Intelligence, Coca-Cola Europacific Partners, Clean Growth Fund, Drax, Equans, National Grid, NatWest Group, Phoenix Group, Schneider Electric, South Pole, and Climate Impact Partners.