Griffith University's Tony Matthews and Jason Byrne issue an urgent call for more renewable-friendly planning systems
Australian bank accused of failing to adequately disclose climate change risk in its 2016 annual report in what green lawyers claim is first legal action of its kind
The route, which will span 2,000km from Cairns to Coolangatta and west to Toowoomba, within six months will offer drivers 18 free recharging stations
Elon Musk poised to make good on pledge to deliver giant energy storage project to the state's under pressure grid by the end of the year
Coalition frontbencher calls for Queenslanders to boycott Australia's second-largest bank after it says it will now only lend to mines in established coalfields
Could growing demand for EVs provide the answer to Australia's grid woes?
State government unveils six-point plan to boost clean energy and tackle issues with security and supply in the region
Twitter exchange sparks pledge to install 100MW of battery storage in Australian state in 100 days
Analysis follows special climate statement from Australian Bureau of Meteorology on exceptional heat experienced in recent months
The president could spring a surprise with a carbon price, making renewables cheaper, US Republican warns