New Economics Foundation warns government will miss targets under Warm Homes Plan without subsidised loan scheme
A targeted cut in interest rates for green infrastructure projects could save households £24 per year, a new analysis suggests
Chancellor tipped to boost clean energy infrastructure investment and formally instruct the Bank of England to prioritise climate action, as government signals it intends to strengthen UK net zero plans
Latest climate update from Bank of England confirms it has cut emissions by a fifth, but concerns remain over impact of climate change on sovereign bond holdings
Inflation may have fallen, but a new report highlights how the UK's high dependency on fossil fuel and food imports leaves it at major risk of climate-related price shocks
The new goverment should ensure the central bank follows models based on accurate climate data, write Carbon Tracker's Mark Campanale and Bates Wells' Luke Fletcher
The Shadow Chancellor promised to push through planning reforms, turbocharge green investment, and make climate risk a priority for the Bank of England - but do Labour's net zero plans add up?
Letter to Governor of the Bank of England Andrew Bailey calls for Bank to push forward with urgent work to tackle escalating climate risks
Inclusion of fossil fuel assets in central bank's collateral framework is boosting value of coal, oil, and gas holdings, campaigners warn
Letter from top clean tech CEOs urges government to deliver proper response to US and EU green investment plans