Benefits of statutory biodiversity credit market introduced in England earlier this year risk being dampened by preference for localised offsetting, researchers warn
Environment Bank to offer Barclays' developer clients off-site BNG units and flag revenue opportunities for farmers and landowners
BNG faces some fundamental design flaws which threaten to undermine its success, writes Environment Bank's Catherine Spitzer
Group of eight NGOs and business groups warn current rules are allowing large numbers of developers to avoid paying into Biodiversity Net Gain schemes
Environment Bank chief executive explains how assigning value to natural resources can enable them to thrive
National Park becomes first in the UK to launch formal green finance scheme to drive investment into Biodiversity Net Gain credits
Rules requiring developers to achieve a 10 per cent improvement in biodiversity from new building projects face threats to their long-term effectiveness, the National Audit Office has warned
From today, legal requirements to deliver a 10 per cent Biodiversity Net Gain on housing, industrial, and commercial projects now cover small-scale developments
The government is taking a risky approach to meeting its 2030 nature goals, argues New Economics Foundation's Christian Jaccarini
Research from property giant reveals city dwellers believe protecting nature and biodiversity should be the second-biggest priority for developers behind good transport links