Bill just fails to secure the 60 votes it needed to pass, but second Senate push could be made in the New Year
Controversial bill supporting project will be debated in the Senate after winning House approval, but President is expected to veto it
Carbon Tracker says under pressure oil companies will soon look to cut capital-intense projects with high break-even points
SaskPower's C$1.4bn Boundary Dam project shows technology is "not science fiction, but today's reality"
Union of Concerned Scientists urges fast food giants to use planned merger as an opportunity to introduce robust sustainable palm oil policies
New research challenges State Department projections, increasing pressure on White House to reject controversial development
First Nation groups vow to continue fight against controversial tar sands pipeline
Prime ministers Tony Abbott and Stephen Harper say they do not want to harm economy in the fight against climate change
Canadian start-up's technology promises to slash energy use compared to traditional freeze-drying
Protestors strap themselves to White House fence as President continues to mull future of controversial pipeline