Who said what in the world of green business this week?
Offsets raised by destroying HFC 23 and N2O gases to be excluded from May 2013
Cyber attack last week leaves traders in limbo until 21 January
Fund will buy offsets from projects in developing nations after first phase of Kyoto expires in 2012
Rush of issuances during first week of 2011 prompts analysts to cut carbon price forecasts to €13 a tonne
Government issues 290,000 JI credits to project recovering flare gas at the Yety Purovskoe oilfield
Carbon offsets produced by removing HFC and nitrous oxide could be prohibited under the EU ETS from 2013
Government to include targets to cut emissions and build carbon market in latest five year plan
Report advises EU to adopt 30 per cent emissions target and deliver new green investment strategy
Auto giant announces plans to invest $40m in carbon offset projects