Carbon capture firm inks latest CO2 removal deals with social media giant TikTok and British rum maker Two Drifters
Banking giant cites challenges in tackling supply chain emissions and restrictions on the use of offsets as it defers ambition to reach net zero emissions by 2030
BeZero Carbon study claims almost 200 million credits already available on the carbon market could be eligible to be purchased under the first phase of CORSIA, which runs to 2026
New study from Abatable reveals how investment in the Voluntary Carbon Market topped $16bn last year, providing a major boost to the pipeline for high-integrity credits
Firms claim acquisition will allow them to offer more sector-specific solutions to help firms deliver on their net zero goals
Firms to double down on funding model providing farmers and landowners with fresh private investment for nature recovery
Danish toy giant announces investments in a range of new green initiatives, as it seeks to play its 'part in creating a more sustainable world for children to inherit'
Twenty-five-year deal would enable Chestnut Carbon to reforest 60,000 acres of land in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas, reports claim
Ratings agency announces successful Series C fundraise led by GenZero as it looks to boost coverage of expanding carbon markets
Carbon markets returned to slight growth in 2024 as part of 'gradual but significant' transition, new report from Sylvera concludes