Government proposes longer CfD contract terms and less stringent offshore wind eligibility criteria in order to boost investor certainty and accelerate the planning process for new clean power projects
Proposed agreement aims to ensure only sustainable biomass used in Yorkshire power plant, but campaigners decry 'a dirty compromise with past failures'
Older wind farms approaching their end of life will be able to bid for contracts to enable 'repowering' projects to extend their lifespan, government confirms
Cornwall Insight assesses likely cost to billpayers of record-breaking 9.6GW of clean power projects awarded Contracts for Difference this week
Yesterday's clean power auctions were more competitive than expected, but there is an urgent need for the government to now accelerate the timetable for future auctions
A more ambitious approach to clean energy auction delivery is needed if the UK is to meet its offshore wind targets, writes Energy Transitions Commission's Shane O'Connor
Industry groups hail the success of latest renewables auction, but warn much more new capacity will be needed if Labour's clean power goals are to be met
Clean energy auction budget increased by more than 50 per cent, following 2023 'catastrophe' that saw no new offshore wind projects secured
Inflation may have fallen, but a new report highlights how the UK's high dependency on fossil fuel and food imports leaves it at major risk of climate-related price shocks
DESNZ says it will 'carefully consider' whether to increase current £800m CfD budget, as industry warns 2030 clean power targets are at risk