Twinings, PG Tips, Tetley and the Fairtrade Foundation voice concerns about the impact of climate change on their growers in response to Christian Aid study
Most costly floods, windstorms, tropical cyclones and fires in 2020 killed thousands of people across the globe and displaced millions, charity finds
Climate Change Committee recommends UK set target to cut emissions by 'at least' 68 per cent from 1990 levels over next decade
General Synod calls climate change 'a crisis for God's creation' as it votes to decarbonise the Church within 10 years
Burundi is both the world's most food insecure nation and the smallest emitter of greenhouse gases per capita
Almost 30 MPs and leading green groups launch People and Nature campaign arguing climate and environmental action is crucial to sustainable development
Christian Aid report reveals eight major cities facing a flood-hit future
May under pressure from campaigners to do more on climate ahead of high level Commonwealth Summit this week