Conflicting studies reignite debate over viability of carbon cap-and-trade
EcoSecurities' Lisa Ashford argues that the trend towards sidelining small-scale emissions reduction projects could be damaging many firms' offsetting strategies
Delay to Waxman-Markey fails to quell bullish carbon market
Palm oil waste to be used to fuel 23MW biomass power plant
Carbon market activity ticks upwards, as China and India blast "green protectionism"
In a new feature for, financial services giant MF Global takes its weekly look at the carbon offset market
Executive board of UN-backed initiative looking into a raft of reforms intended to streamline and extend offsetting scheme
Whitehall set to tighten the criteria it uses to buy carbon offset credits
Random spot checks and tougher standards to ensure emission reduction project verifiers toe the line
Expanded service from analyst IDEAcarbon offers market participants early warning of key market events