US Securities and Exchange Commission will no longer defend rules it adopted only a year ago that require firms to report on their climate risks and greenhouse gas emissions
UK inflation falls slightly to 2.8 per cent, but experts fear rising energy and food costs could push up prices in coming months
Nest and UBS AM report says current climate risk models have 'inherent limitations'
Climate policies must account for faster-than-expected warming by 2050 amid significant uncertainties and underpowered mitigation efforts, actuarial experts warn
Action from pension funds to phase out investments linked to fossil fuels, deforestation, and land-use change remains badly 'inadequate', warns the Make My Money Matter campaign
The latest record-breaking heat will have alarm bells ringing over the way rising temperatures appear to be 'overwhelming' natural climate cycles
Damage to homes and businesses from extreme weather events is leading to rising pay outs as the climate crisis intensifies, the latest data shows
National Fire Chiefs Council urges UK and devolved governments take urgent steps to boost climate resilience as extreme weather events become more frequent
Climate fuelled disasters over the past 12 months have resulted in America's most costly stretch of extreme weather in 90 years, new figures claim
New toolkit to help track and quantify climate-related risks to the financial system and real economy