Leading Leave campaigner argues UK can retain free trade deal with EU and insists Brexit vote was not about immigration
Leaving the EU could deliver some gains for green businesses, but they are far outweighed by the potential losses and certain disruption
Barker promises environmental stewardship can help deliver a more productive manufacturing and financial economy in the UK
Days after government is forced to deny it is considering watering down its coal phase-out pledge, Bright Blue think tank argues end date for unabated coal power can be brought forward
Industry experts criticise Vote Leave's claims Brexit would mean cheaper energy bills, suggesting it would actually lead to higher prices and increased carbon emissions
Despite claims UK is hampering its competitiveness by adopting overly ambitious climate policies, new ECIU report argues UK performance is "distinctly average" compared to EU neighbours
The near complete absence of climate change from the annual parliamentary set piece only underscores the sense of drift within government on a host of environmental and energy issues
ComRes poll commissioned by developer finds four fifths of Conservative MPs and councillors back renewable energy project
20 'Green Tories' write to Prime Minister calling on him to adopt Committee on Climate Change recommendations for post-2030 carbon targets
The London Mayoral campaign has been divisive and brutish, and admirable green policies risk becoming collateral damage