Leading Conservatives unite behind Bright Blue think tank's new Green Conservatism project
New Labour amendment seeking to allow solar an exemption from higher VAT tax rate is winning cross-party backing
The House of Lords is threatening to disrupt the government's energy policy proposals, and the Conservatives have only themselves to blame
Senior Labour peers confirm party will seek to strike out clause again if government closes Renewable Obligation scheme
Solarcentury's Seb Berry asks how can solar businesses plan for next year when it is still unclear what the government has in store for an industry that was once promised policy stability
Philip Hammond tells influential US think tank that conservatives on both sides of the Atlantic have the right policies for tackling climate change
The Foreign Secretary's speech to the American Enterprise Institute - in full
Past and present Tory MPs demand rethink over feed-in tariff review, as reports suggest Southern Solar faces liquidation
Matthew Farrow reflects on a disappointing Tory Party Conference, but wonders if the devolution agenda could yet revive political interest in environmental issues
Mayoral candidate says London needs to do more than 'merely' protect environment in Conservative Party conference speech