Guardian reveals Tory Minister received funding from key donor to climate sceptic group, as Sun reports Lord Prescott has angered Tories with DECC briefing
Manufacturers demand cross-party support for new Office for Resource Management
Guy Hands accuses Conservatives of 'emotional hatred' of wind farms, as Ecotricity's Dale Vince defends Labour donation
Taskforce report shows onshore wind could be cheaper than new gas in 2020, but only with long-term government support
With another hung Parliament on the cards, what are the policy ‘red lines’ for each of the political parties?
Will the departure of so many environmental champions herald a lurch to the right for the Conservatives?
Maf Smith explains why the UK's renewable energy companies are fretting over the outcome of the general election
Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change says a new coalition government must prioritise a global deal on climate
Labour leader says Conservative ban on wind farms would damage the UK's industrial policy
One of the Tories' own backbenchers has broken ranks to spell out what has been obvious for some time: the party still does not have a clear energy policy