Characterisations of Drax as the world's biggest wood burner are misleading and sometimes deliberately dishonest, argues environmental campaigner Jonathan Porritt
Major reburbishment of Scottish power station expected to increase plant’s capacity by 10 per cent
Energy company announces plans to explore potential for North Sea carbon storage, in same week as it faces fresh questions over the sustainability of wood chips sourced from North America
Power plant operator launches US-headquartered entity to oversee development and construction of new-build BECCS plants
Auditor argues government must step up its evaluation of whether biomass generators are meeting sustainability criteria
DESNZ has published a list of options for how government might support large biomass power plants eyeing a transition to BECCS from 2027 onwards - BusinessGreen delves into the fierce debate around the power station's future
Flagship CCS project takes major step forward, but decision comes as campaigners warn biomass plant could cost British taxpayer hundreds of millions of pounds a year
Latest update from Drax Electric Insights confirms renewables supplied 40 per cent of UK power during the third quarter of the year
Partner content: As more and more organisations adopt decarbonisation commitments, what part do carbon reduction credits have to play in helping us to reach net zero?
Separate analyses by Cornwall Insight and Imperial College London warn slower offshore wind rollout signalled by recent CfD auction could increase power prices, carbon emissions and delay net zero