Oxfam, WWF and the International Chamber of Shipping call on COP 17 to put sector on path to agreeing market-based mechanism for tackling emissions
China to probe US manufacturer subsidies just weeks after Obama administration announced its own price-fixing investigation
Jane Burston of Carbon Retirement outlines the key issues at the start of the two-week climate negotiations
The Durban climate talks are closer to a breakthrough than most people think - all we need is strong leaders
UN climate chief quotes Nelson Mandela in opening address: "It always seems impossible until it is done"
New report accuses developed countries of using divide-and-rule tactics as part of international climate talks
Move prompts call for European ban, as Clean Development Mechanism also adopts new validation procedures and rules for HFC credits
US and Saudi negotiators fail to adopt framework for $100bn Green Climate Fund, one of the few areas of prior agreement
BusinessGreen runs down all the breaking news, analysis, and opinion from the negotiations in Durban
Chris Peddie-Burch of SFW says the IT sector is looking to Durban for agreement on emissions measurement and reporting