New analysis from E3G calculates that delivering proposed minimum energy efficiency standards could save the UK economy £1.75bn and reduce rates of fuel poverty
Talks have been slow and uneventful so far, but with crucial draft decision texts soon expected and President Biden and President Xi meeting at the G20 on Monday, momentum is building
CBI leads fresh calls for 'an all-out national effort' to improve energy efficiency and accelerate decarbonisation efforts
Chancellor's decision to incentivise domestic oil and gas extraction is 'opposite of what's needed if we want to end our reliance on expensive gas', E3G warns
Transition Plan Taskforce secretariat co-chairs Dr Ben Caldecott E3G's Kate Levick explain how the initiative aims to develop the 'gold standard' for UK firms’ climate transition plans
Energy security and net zero requires a rethink of the way energy consumed and used. But what policies do experts think shuold feature to the government’s upcoming Energy Security Strategy and Spring Statement?
As the gas price crisis escalates, a comprehensive new study underscores need for 'changes in the way we live, move, and consume' to cut energy demand in pursuit of net zero
Analysis by E3G and Global Energy Monitor calculates pipeline for pre-construction coal plants has plummeted 76 per cent since 2015
UK government urged to avoid backing blue hydrogen after US study finds its production could be worse for climate than natural gas
An ambitious approach to data discovery is critical for achieving a net zero grid and but would help unleash a Cambrian explosion of innovation in the UK energy sector, writes Peter Clutton-Brock of the Centre for AI & Climate and E3G