Clean energy auction budget increased by more than 50 per cent, following 2023 'catastrophe' that saw no new offshore wind projects secured
A flurry of reports this week have explored what needs to happen if the new government is to have any chance of meeting its target to decarbonise the grid by 2030 - can Labour now deliver such radical reforms?
Ed Miliband describes upcoming Contracts for Difference auction as 'critical test' for new government's climate plans in his first Parliamentary statement as Energy Security Secretary
Business groups and environmental campaigners react to the Climate Change Committee's verdict on progress towards UK decarbonisation targets
Former CCC boss to head up 'first of its kind' Mission Control to co-ordinate action to deliver on Labour's clean power goal
New Energy Security and Net Zero Secretary writes to officials setting out Labour's priorities for government, as Prime Minister confirms more ministerial appointments
Labour's plans for the green economy are hugely ambitious, the party needs a mandate to put them into action and deliver the investment and policy clarity the UK so clearly needs
Ed Miliband urges voters to back ambitious plans to deliver a step change in the UK's decarbonisation efforts
Ed Miliband hints at more incentive-led approach to tackling 'absolutely miserable' level of UK heat pump adoption, as he reiterates that no one will have to 'rip out their boiler'
Labour's Shadow Climate and Net Zero Secretary steps up the war of words with the government over the UK's net zero strategy