Environmental charities and think tanks warns new Lobbying Bill will stymie public discussion over green issues such as fracking and wind farms
Summer energy announcements raise UK to fourth most attractive country for renewables investment, but consultancy says more certainty is needed
EXCLUSIVE: Michael Fallon optimistic government is closing in on agreement with Siemens for Humberside turbine plant
Government says details will help investment community 'get on and invest' in low-carbon energy projects
Party could also recognise "limited" role for shale gas at next month’s annual conference
Campaigners fear the move to scrap tariffs for new customers could undermine national drive to tackle climate change
The Times is wrong - The greens are far from defeated, but they still need to up their game
Party will use debate tomorrow to argue against allowing coal fired power stations to participate in capacity auctions
Labour's Alan Whitehead asks if the government is edging towards a more sensible means of ensuring sufficient back-up power is available
Government predicts new 'off-taker of last resort' will tackle renewables route to market concerns