Expanded ECO scheme should be funded through fresh investment, rather than by raiding existing energy efficiency budgets, letter warns
New analysis finds that failure to upgrade homes to higher energy efficiency ratings has led households to foot higher heating bills
The Government are considering raising the fine landlords face for not complying with energy efficiency regulation
Speaking at Net Zero Festival, Energy Saving Trust boss Mike Thornton argues urgent action is needed to accelerate heat pump roll out by 'an order of magnitude'
Shift to LED bulbs expected to cut UK carbon emissions by 1.26 million tonnes a year, as government beefs up energy efficiency rules
Mobile giant reveals plans to harness new smart cooling technologies to slash emissions from its data centres
Cameron Hawkins, head of energy and environment at NHS Property Services, reveals how work is advancing fast to slash emissions across one of the world's largest health systems
BREAKING: Surprise update to energy efficiency plans sees government boost funding for local authority upgrade schemes, but scrap the popular Green Homes Grant scheme at short notice
Hundreds of companies are announcing net zero strategies, but where are the energy efficiency programmes that should be at their heart?
The news the government is likely to claw back funding assigned to the Green Homes Grant scheme is the biggest blow yet to the credibility of the Prime Minister's green recovery promises, and it does not bode well for the UK's wider net zero strategy...