New research suggests councils lack the resources to properly enforce landlord energy efficiency rules for private rental properties
Review of barriers to decarbonising historic homes, listed properties, and buildings in conservation areas sets out plans to review Energy Performance Certificate regime
Government unveils funding boost for energy efficiency and heat pump programmes, as Treasury confirms plans for new carbon border levy
Almost 250,000 households in marginal seats are set to collectively pay an extra £40m in energy bills following the scrapping of energy efficiency standards, new analysis claims
DESNZ also confirms plans to launch market mechanism to incentivise heat pump manufacturing next year, as uptake of energy efficiency grants moves at sluggish pace
IEA warns pace of annual energy efficiency progress must double this decade to deliver on Paris Agreement, but that doing so would slash bills and deliver millions of new jobs
Airbnb hosts to gain access to expanded green home upgrades grant programme, alongside suite of financing options provided by NatWest
New service aims to help customers understand their carbon footprint and make changes that can curb their energy bills
Analysis from 3Keel and Kingspan warns progress to improve the efficiency of existing buildings is slowing in key markets, putting net zero targets at risk
Nixing energy efficiency policy will increase energy bills and emissions, rack up NHS costs, and hurt local retrofit businesses, warns ECIU's Jess Ralston