Major new study details how, far from undermining competitiveness, ambitious climate policies will create jobs and boost the European economy
MEPs vote overwhelmingly for more ambitious clean technology targets, cranking up pressure on European Commission
BP chief economist tells Reuters threat of industry leaving EU over energy costs is a "bit of a red herring"
Jonny Hazell of the Green Alliance reckons clean technology targets help, but they need to be backed up by co-ordinated policies
Kirsty Alexander argues nuclear power's vital role in aiding decarbonisation is being hampered by "institutional bias"
Site confirms "elevated levels of radiation" detected overnight is "naturally occurring background radon" posing no risk
Munir Hassan and Louise Dalton of law firm CMS argue the watering down of the EU's renewables targets could have a major impact on the industry
EU Commission proposals to end Fuel Quality Directive could result in a rise in emissions equivalent to putting six million more cars on the roads
Energy and Climate Change Secretary predicts new EU proposals will bring other member states closer into line with UK ambition
Frustration at proposals to remove sustainable transport goals creates unlikely alliance between biofuels sector and green groups