App provides flood data and forecasts up to seven days in advance to regions where more than 460 million people are exposed to severe flood risk
Environment Agency unveils updated Thames Estuary 2100 plan to accelerate London's flood defences in response to worsening climate threat and rising seas
Insurer warns industry's insured losses from natural disasters topped $100bn for the second year in a row
New report from Forest Research examines how trees, woodlands, and forests reduce and slow down rapid run-off that causes flooding
New Government review recommends making sustainable drainage systems a requirement for all new developments in England
National Infrastructure Commission warns over 600,000 homes and businesses are at risk without improved action to tackle runoff
Economic losses from extreme weather hit $35bn in Asia last year and are set to worsen as water security threats intensify
Extreme summer weather threatens to undermine global food security, experts warn
New study explores how drought, flooding, and storms could deliver massive economic losses in coming decades
Latest wave of awards from Nature for Climate Fund aims to help expand community forests across the UK