The 118,000 tonne ship has spent three decades building oil and gas rigs - BusinessGreen climbs aboard ahead of its new offshore wind voyage
Shell's business development manager, Mike Copson, talks to BusinessGreen about how hydrogen fits into the oil giant's transport plans
Carbon emissions from energy rose 1.4 per cent to hit an historic high of 32.5 gigatonnes last year
'Managed decline' and 'first one out' are commercially viable options for oil majors in a two degrees world, new research suggests
ECIU's Richard Black reflects on how the cold weather has played havoc with debate surrounding the UK's energy industry
UK grid operator sets out long term vision for use of gas to decarbonise heat, transport and industry over the long term
Ben van Beurden delivers speech in Texas emphasising need for company to shift business towards a low carbon future, but stresses oil and gas demand will remain strong for years to come
If climate policies follow strategy set out in Paris and ratchet up over time fossil fuel companies could be putting trillions of dollars at risk
Growth of the global LNG market has obliterated the business case for national gas storage, leaving the UK vulnerable to price shocks and supply shortages, argues ECIU's Jonathan Marshall
From 2019 hydrogen gas will be pumped into natural gas pipes serving Keele University, as part of one-year live test to cut carbon emissions from heating