Cars and buses fuelled by hydrogen are already driving on our roads, but can supporting infrastructure now help boost swifter take-up of the zero emission technology?
As well as transport and heating, hydrogen is being used for energy storage, grid balancing and to power factories in Germany
The German government has helped fund the world's only hydrogen/electric plane prototype, but could it really be the future of passenger air travel?
Two governments issue joint statement of intent to boost climate cooperation, as US refuses to join rest of G7 in climate action communique
Joint procurement project part-funded by EU scheme aims to cut transport pollution across Germany and Italy
Germany's first onshore wind auction since introducing renewable feed-on tariff law reaches average of 5.71 Euro cents per KWh
Solar and EV giant unveils online solar roof cost calculator as it revealed plans to start home installations in the summer
Germany defies expectations with highly competitive offshore wind auction, as Shell urges Netherlands to scale up offshore wind ambition
Energy giant confirms it is to test airborne wind technology in flurry of clean tech announcements
Reports suggest Trump's White House wants more focus on technologies such as CCS, while separate analysis highlights $19tn opportunity from clean energy