Proven industrial electrification projects are being overlooked and underfunded compared to riskier options such as carbon capture and storage, claims Green Alliance
A new review from Green Alliance concludes that despite post-Brexit legislation delivering progress in some areas, leaving the EU has 'weakened protections for the environment and public health'
Government urged to reform farming subsidy scheme to better protect upland areas through upcoming Land Use Framework
New analysis suggests airport expansion plans risk maxing out the UK's Carbon Budgets, as Ed Miliband reiterates any new runways would have to operate within UK climate goals
There are few quick fixes for driving UK growth, and the economic case for expanding Heathrow is very shaky, writes Green Alliance's Steve Coulter
Green Alliance urges new Labour government to learn from past mistakes when delivering a new long-term strategy for waste, recycling, and resources
Green Alliance calls for fresh 'obligations and incentives' to encourage food companies to invest more in protecting and restoring natural capital
Think tank and Office for Environmental Protection believe case on housing energy efficiency standards could set significant precedent around how much environmental factors should be considered in government policymaking
Government urged by Green Alliance and Wellcome Trust to incorporate health risks into national climate adaptation plan
Green Alliance criticises government's 'disappointing' Port Talbot deal and calls for more co-ordinated approach to supporting communities reliant on carbon intensive industries