As XR activists block roads into Westminster, Defra fears the UK may also be blocking chances of an EU trade deal by compromising with the US on environmental standards
Prime Minister's plan would end commitment to level playing field with EU on environmental standards, sparking serious concerns among green campaigners
With both Brexit and the net zero transition, the government has a clear goal and no clarity on how it intends to deliver
Quarterly Brexit Risk Tracker from Greener UK group concludes environmental standards 'under greatest threat since start of Brexit process'
Regardless of the political chaos, the government must be clear on its legislative agenda for a green Brexit, argues Green Alliance's Ruth Chambers
Parliament set to reconvene tomorrow following shock ruling that prorogation was unlawful, opening door for the revival of key green bills
Troubled Brexit negotiations could result in weakening green standards and reduction in Europe's diplomatic influence on climate action, new study warns
Environmental Audit Committee predicts nearly a fifth of the UK's fruit and vegetables come from countries exposed to severe climate risks, as new study makes case for more plant-based diets
Farming trade body sets out aims for habitat restoration, energy crops, meat productivity and government policy support
Event will now be held in early 2020 to enable government and businesses to 'fully focus' on Brexit