Latest government survey again confirms strong support for renewable power, as opposition to fracking exceeds support for the first time
New nationwide campaign aims to highlight how energy-saving green technologies mean households can ‘use less, waste less and pay less'
Study finds boosting car sharing scheme membership could have considerable environmental and economic benefits
Leaked documents show UK’s two biggest tuna brands are likely to delay or opt out of commitments to end FAD fishing methods that cause harmful bycatch of sharks, rays and turtles
Research from recycling rewards firm Greenredeem suggests incentives more effective at boosting recycling rates, compared with compulsory schemes
Mobile phone co-operative secures exclusive deal to stock 'the most ethical mobile handset on the market'
Swedish retailer is building on €1.5bn green energy investment to bring sustainable living to more than a billion customers across the world
With many farmers yet to go organic, demand may soon exceed supply
New report backed by Coca-Cola Enterprises and Cranfield University highlights generational tensions as wide gap opens up in approaches to sustainability
Green is rapidly becoming the new black as industry attitudes change