Shadow Business Secretary Rebecca Long-Bailey will meet workers and businesses across the UK to discuss how the Labour party can meet its green job targets
UK needs urgent rethink of approach to renewables if decarbonisation is to boost jobs and ensure a Just Transition, argues Sue Ferns of Prospect
Report reveals investment in the sector has halved in recent years
Chancellor Philip Hammond will reportedly use his Spring Statement to unveil fresh green policy measures, as Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell promises bolder climate from Labour
'Just transition' was the hot topic at last year's COP24 climate conference in Poland - but how can governments and businesses actually deliver on their promises?
Think-tank IPPR suggests workers in the North could benefit from 46,000 new green jobs by 2030
Scottish farmer Pete Ritchie has embraced growing demand for organic produce and is reaping the rewards
Helen Farr-Leander, founder of Surrey-based vegan wallet brand Watson & Wolfe, lifts the lid on her work as a sustainable fashion entrepreneur
BEIS survey of 1,000 young people aged 18-24 reveals climate concerns and "exciting opportunities" are driving young people towards careers in the green economy
The government's Industrial Strategy is a good start - but for the UK to lead in clean growth it needs to attract investment in project pipelines, local supply chains and skills, argues Nick Molho of the Aldersgate Group