Just 42 per cent of energy sector workers feel that businesses in the sector are ready to meet the UK’s energy targets
Green Careers Hub aims to support anyone looking to develop green skills and join the fast growing low carbon workforce
LinkedIn calls for labour market transformation as study finds one in three UK role postings requires 'green' skills that just one in eight workers currently have
IN FOCUS: Whether you regard it as a war for talent, a full-blown skills crisis, or both, demand for sustainability professionals and clean tech experts is outstripping supply - BusinessGreen Intelligence's latest trend report explores how firms can best...
Verra's CEO steps down, boomtime for solar and batteries, and UK oil licensing : BusinessGreen rounds up the most widely read stories on the site this week
As warnings mount about the UK's green skills shortage, why is progress on ramping up gender diversity in the energy sector still so sluggish?
Meeting climate goals will affect millions of jobs - so engendering pubic trust in the transition is essential, argues Climate Outreach's David Powell
But Committee warns a 'hands-off approach will not work' as it urges government to grasp green growth opportunity in face of increasing competitive threat from US and EU
Extensive review of existing green jobs research and data explores key barriers to growth in UK's green jobs market
It is critical that green jobs are made available, accessible and attractive to the UK workforce, argues Nesta's Andrew Sissons