Number of 'green jobs' advertised in UK has fallen from record levels seen in 2022, according to PwC’s latest Green Jobs Barometer, but other sectors are faring worse
Young people care deeply about the environment, but few of them are attracted to the jobs needed to deliver a net zero emission economy, report warns
Green hiring continues to surge across multiple countries and industries, but requisite skills are struggling to keep pace with demand
Companies that invest now in preparing their labour force for a greener future will reap rewards, writes BPP's Emma O'Dell
There were 4.7 million more people employed in clean energy in 2022 than in 2019, according to latest data from influential organisatoin
Report from Totaljobs suggests levels of green recruitment have grown six-fold in four years
New figures suggest around 526,000 people have 'green jobs'
There are 77,000 civil nuclear jobs but NIA warns this figure must triple of government is to deliver 24 GW of nuclear by 2050
Just under 95,000 energy jobs are at risk if the UK does not meet its clean energy goals, a new report has warned
EXCLUSIVE: OVO Energy calls on government and employers to develop and fund apprenticeships that would help the UK meet its climate goals