Officials say poorly sited solar schemes fail to help environment or bring down costs, but Labour and Green Party call for urgent policy rethink
Molly Scott Cato argues that when it comes to infrastructure projects it is George Osborne, not the new Labour leader, who is the true socialist
Green Party conference kicks off with call for Party members to back new campaign to push climate change up political agenda
Natalie Bennett's speech to the Green Party Conference - in full
MPs seek amendment forcing government to report on impact of change while a cross-party group attempts to remove clause entirely
Green Party leader Natalie Bennett reports from the Paris conference on fossil fuel divestment earlier this month
Party urges London to replicate new Paris scheme in order to make city more friendly to cyclists
Green MEP Molly Scott Cato says businesses should consider the ethical as well as financial reasons for creating a sustainable supply chain
UK green energy cutbacks look "parochial and small-minded" against EPA's Clean Power Plan, says Greenpeace
Paris will highlight how businesses need focus on the long-term transition to a low carbon economy, says Green Party leader Natalie Bennett