Green Party candidate for Cambridge, Rupert Read, argues environmental and financial crises demand a new definition for the precautionary principle
Leader Natalie Bennett tells party conference 'continuing as we are is not an option'
"This election can be a turning point in history. The moment where we can deliver a better Britain... Continuing as we are is not an option"
Party rejects Lib Dem Energy and Climate Change Secretary's claim that nationalisation plans would harm progress of burgeoning green economy
Party promises to put forward candidates in almost 90 per cent of seats, as leader struggles in face of questions over cost of manifesto commitments
Green MEP Molly Scott Cato argues that in defending circular economy plans the party is the friend of "sustainable future-proofed businesses"
The Greens are in danger of blowing an historic opportunity, they need to find a way to deliver a more credible economic vision
Johnson agrees to consider Green Party proposal for Solar Delivery Unit to boost the capital's poor deployment rates
Broadcasters include party in seven-way debate with Conservatives, Labour, the Lib Dems, UKIP, the SNP and Plaid Cymru
Broadcasters put forward new proposal for debate featuring Greens, SNP, and Plaid Cymru