The European Council must now take the chance to create a healthier, fairer and secure environment, argues Ursula Woodburn of the European Corporate Leaders Group
Influential agency warns the next six months could determine whether or not the goals of the Paris Agreement are met
Briefing warns central banks' activities in the wake of coronavirus risk slowing transition to a net zero economy, highlighting how just five of 170 central banking and supervisory crisis response policy instruments and adjustments 'explicitly' take sustainability...
Top corporates polled by The Climate Group finds overwhelming support for green recovery measures from governments
New number plates to be launched from autumn, as Ministers announce new £12m zero emission vehicle research funding boost
The International Chamber of Commerce, WWF, We Mean Business, United Nations Global Compact, the IUCN, and Business for Nature sign letter calling on CEOs to work with governments to reverse nature loss
In a letter sent to Boris Johnson today, more than 50 UK charities warn that preventing the worst impacts of climate change is contingent on a green recovery to the coronavirus crisis
New government and industry body designed to help deliver transatlantic net zero flight 'within a generation'
EXCLUSIVE: In a letter to Chancellor Rishi Sunak, Siemens Energy, Engie, National Grid, and Ryse Hydrogen call for the government to emulate its successful approach to offshore wind development and set an official cost reduction target for green hydrogen...
Chris Train of the Gas Goes Green campaign argues the time is right to scale up the UK's green hydrogen industry