A common-sense legislative tweak and a coordinated effort between energy, housing and finance would dismantle barriers to mass heat pump uptake, argues Fornax CEO David Leviseur
Trial reveals high levels of satisfaction with green heating systems, as new analysis confirms heat pumps are three to four times more efficient than boilers
Latest data shows number of solar panels, heat pumps, and battery storage installations by homes and businesses has surpassed last year’s record with a month to go
British Gas fronts sustainable living project launch in Rotherham in anticipation of Future Homes Standard
Air source heat pumps could heat homes of the future for as little as £1.84 on a typical winter day, study from Bellway and University of Salford concludes
New analysis reveals how 24 countries across Europe now have policies in place to support the roll out of industrial-scale heat pumps
Developer 1Energy confirms it has secured investment and anchor customers for trail-blazing heat network
UK heat pumps are far less reliant on fossil fuel imports than household gas boilers, ECIU claims
Government can boost heat pump deployment by replicating policy stability and economic incentives that underpinned solar success, report claims
Government announces £30m boost for Boiler Upgrade Scheme, as it confirms plans to tweak heat pump planning rules, update Clean Heat Mechanism, and introduce higher efficiency standards for rented homes