Energy Networks Association takes stock of Britain's hydrogen blending prospects in fresh research, which argues significant emissions savings are feasible
Centrica and HiiROC secure grant funding for trial aimed at testing fuel’s decarbonisation potential at gas-fired power plants
Carbon Tracker analysis warns soaring gas process could leave projects that produce hydrogen from fossil gas stranded
World's largest airline consolidates its position in emerging hydrogen supply chain with investment in Universal Hydrogen
Proposed plant would provide low carbon fuel to local trains and buses
Firm hails deal as 'hugely important strategic step' towards vision for first commercial zero emission flight from 2025
New £20m funding competition announced in same week as plans for Manchester hydrogen hub secures planning approval, but industry warns policy framework still needs to be delivered
German energy giant inks deal with carbon capture specialist Fluor to explore means of decarbonising 2.2GW gas plant
Government urged to 'listen to the economics and science' ahead of making final decision on whether to back wider roll out hydrogen heating systems
Leading manufacturers move forward with plans to bring new hydrogen-fuelled trucks to market