Indian premier Narendra Modi said to be preparing global solar push at India-Africa forum this week
Final INDC from a major economic power commits India to cutting carbon emissions per unit of GDP by 33 to 35 per cent against 2005 levels by 2030
UK company to provide power to 27,400 mobile masts in India through Essential Energy subsidiary
Loughborough-based company says deal with GTL Limited will help millions of mobile phone users across the subcontinent
Landmark new study outlines road map for top-emitting countries to deliver 2C world
Indian government announces new policy framework to kick-start offshore wind power development
Why all eyes will be on India at the Paris climate talks
Charlotte Finlay explains how the city of Ahmedabad in Gujurat has reduced loss of life by preparing people for extreme temperatures
Over 45,000 solar panels are expected to provide enough electricity to meet the airport's daily demand