In a speech dominated by Brexit, the government pledged to deliver its promised industrial strategy and step up support for green vehicles
Climate-KIC UK director Tom Mitchell says Britain has 'raw ingredients' to be a global green business leader
Former climate diplomat Angela Francis argues the government's plans to shift focus towards low carbon infrastructure development is to be welcomed
Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change analysis suggests most UK sectors face stiff global competition for low carbon goods and services
With the consultation over the hotly anticipated Industrial Strategy now closed, green trade bodies this week submitted responses that could double as election wish-lists
Former Business Secretary warns UK government must reassert domestic and international climate commitments in face of climate scepticism and Brexit fears
The government is being forced to take tougher action on air pollution because of EU rules, so how clean will our air be without them?
Michelle Hubert of the CBI argues it is time for business and government to work together to accelerate the low carbon transition and excite the public about its possibilities
MPs announce investigation to look at role of EVs in UK's decarbonisation drive, as new hydrogen stations get green light and SMMT calls for swift take-up of low emission buses
Report calls for fundamental re-shaping of proposed Industrial Strategy and publication of Emissions Reduction Plan before the end of the month