Next week's BusinessGreen Technology and Investment Forum will see inventors pitch everything from remade office furniture to hybrid motorbikes, to a room of green investors
Claire Perry's speech to the yesterday's Rushlight Cleantech Conference - in full
Environmental firms are innovative by nature, argues Matthew Farrow, but to fulfill their potential barriers need to be addressed
Opportunities abound in these efforts to boost efficiency and cut emissions
UKGBC's Cat Hirst looks at three different approaches to how businesses can unlock real green innovation
Energy Networks Association seeks views on new strategy to boost clean, flexible, and smart innovation on local electricity networks to keep pace with low carbon transition
InnoEnergy and WindEurope team up to host a hackathon to develop innovative solutions that could shape wind technology's future
The Clean Growth Strategy could herald a new era of public-private collaboration
The Carbon Trust's Aleyn Smith-Gillespie underscores why new business models are the key to a green economy revolution
InnoEnergy's Elena Bou expains why accelerating the clean energy revolution will depend on building the right innovation ecosystems