Deal aims to provide further boost to the expanding wood-based insulation market
Friends of the Earth calls for a street-by-street insulation program for the most in-need neighbourhoods, after new study reveals huge extent of 'extreme' fuel poverty in the UK
Energy giant announces it is offer new range of solar, energy efficiency, EV charger, and insulation services to households across the UK
Home Decarbonisation Skills Training to deliver thousands of trained heat pump and energy efficiency engineers
Research from ECIU sets out how insulation investments can slash the overall cost of government's proposed price freeze
Tory leadership hopeful pledges to 'turbocharge' home insulation rollout to cut energy bills and support climate goals
Friends of the Earth and the New Economics Foundation call on government to invest £15bn in improving housing stock in response to surging energy bills this winter
New analysis from Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit warns of massive bill hikes for poorly insulated homes when fuel price cap rises this winter
Campaigners slam proposals to skim money from existing subsidies to create new insulation scheme, arguing that it amounts to 'robbing Peter to pay Paul'
Fresh injection into Warmer Homes programme aimed at helping 45,000 fuel poor London households install heat pumps, solar panels, insulation and other green upgrade measures